
After recovering from a life-threatening illness in 1998, I changed course and decided to follow my heart and start painting seriously in addition to my part-time work at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam. It started with lots of watercolors! Mainly flowers from my garden and my surroundings and also in the Italian landscape, examples can be found below. I also made a few male nude studies (see the Archives chapter) and some portraits. My working method with watercolor gradually became less transparent and therefore increasingly resembled oil paint. I soon switched to oil painting and that would remain my favorite medium from then on. Because I was curious about it, I also made a small number of works in acrylic, but I find it much less pleasant to work with.

The watercolors have almost all been sold, I hope to get back to them in the future. Beautiful greeting cards from the watercolors were published, mainly by art publishers Bekking & Blitz.

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